The mainstreaming of adaptation in policy appraisal ‐ especially where there are large flows associated with including adaptation in major EU funding areas ‐ requires additional elements to current impact assessment, including the need to address scale and time preference issues.
This work package will assess the potential synergies and trade-offs in policy impact assessment, investigating a case study on reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and climate change adaptation.
- Assess the policy and decision context of CAP reform in the light of adaptation requirements using the framework of WP1
- Apply decision support tools developed in WP1-4 to identify adaptation options that can be supported under a reformed CAP, and quantify the impacts, benefits and uncertainties
- Provide policy recommendations for national and EU contexts
After reviewing the policy and decision context of CAP reform in the light of future adaptation requirements, and examining the costs and benefits of adaptation options, the study will provide an overview of adaptation options that can be supported under a reformed CAP. This will be done with a literature review and by consultation of private and public stakeholders at the EU and MS level. Examples are R&D and technology development (e.g. plant breeding, more efficient irrigation), new infrastructure (e.g. dams/dykes, water supply, drainage), institutional change (e.g. redesigned protected areas, crop insurance schemes), international trade (link to WTO negotiations, new Regional Trade Agreements).
A key task will be to provide an overview report on major uncertainties related to climate impacts and socio-economic costs, with policy recommendations related to the effectiveness of adaptation options.
D7.1: Report on the policy and decision context of CAP reform in the context of climate change adaptation and sustainable resource management. (Month 18)
D7.2: Assessment of model-based results on the effects of future climate change on the agricultural sector in Europe. (Month 24)
D7.4: Policy recommendations, lessons learned and guidance: Case study on Policy Impact Assessment (Month 30)