The final policy workshop of the ECONADAPT project was held in Brussels on 27-28th September 2016. Attendees included representatives from DG CLIMA, DG AGRI, DG Research, EIB, OECD, national governments and researchers from a range of EU research projects.
The workshop showcased recent experience in the economics of adaptation, identified further policy needs as well as future research priorities.
New: the workshop presentations are now available from this page...
Policy and economics: Implementing adaptation in OECD countries (Michael Mullan, OECD)
Summary of the ECONADAPT project (Alistair Hunt, Bath; Paul Watkiss, PWA and Josselin Rouillard, ECOLOGIC)
BASE - economic evaluation insights and main conclusions (Filipe Alves, FCUL)
TOPDAD - Lessons from integrating and aggregating climate change impacts and responses across sectors and regions (Adriaan Perrels, FMI)
RAMSES - Reconciling adaptation, mitigation and sustainable development for cities (Diego Rybski, PIK)
RESIN - The need for decision-support tools to promote dynamic and robust management of climate change in cities (Ibon Galarraga, BC3)
The GREENWIN project (Jochen Hinkel, GCF)
Resilience of critical infrastructures in Europe to climate change (Luc Feyen, JRC ISPRA)
Assessing the economic case for adaptation to extreme events at different scales (Onno Kuik, IVM)
Country case study: Lessons from the Netherlands (Jar Kind, Deltares)
Macro-economics of adaptation in Europe (Ramiro Parrado/Juan Carlos Ciscar, FEEM and JRC)
Weather extremes and fiscal risk management (Reinhard Mechler, IIASA)
PACINAS - Implications of climate change adaptation for public finance: A case study for Austria (Birgit Bednar-Friedl, Uni of Graz)
Quick Insight: Reflections on climate services and adaptation (Clare Goodess, UEA)
Willingness-to-Pay: Survey of adaptation options in Europe (Iva Zverinova, Charles University Prague)
Challenges in benefits and uncertainty (Alistair Hunt & Paul Watkiss, and Ibon Galarraga, BC3)
Update on the EU Adaptation Strategy (Claus Kondrup, DG Clima)
Investing in Climate Resilience in Emerging Economies: EBRD’s Action on Climate Change (Marta Modelewska, EBRD)
Integrating Climate Change Information and Adaptation in Project Development (EUFIWACC)
Economics of Policy Appraisal (Paolo Scussolini, IVM)
Economic Appraisal of International Adaptation Finance in Developing Countries (Paul Watkiss, PWA)
Mobilizing finance for translating adaptation strategies into investments (Chiara Trabacchi,CPI)
Policy information and tools (Jenny Troeltzsch, Ecologic)